domingo, 14 de julio de 2013


                        Article by mathandreadingelp.org/articles focusinf on a child´s  Multiplle inteligence instead  of IQ
Administering IQ tests can be useful for parents and teachers, but the labels that result from these tests can damage children's egos and damage self-confidence when it comes to school. Children know they are labeled according to their test taking ability, and often children will stick to the label that has been assigned to them instead of trying to excel beyond their test results. Instead of using IQ tests, many teachers across the nation are recommending the implementation of the Multiple Intelligence Test.
The idea behind the Multiple Intelligence Test was developed in 1983 by Howard Gardner. Through vast research he found that people used multiple intelligences when solving problems. Moreover, he found that people were stronger in some of these intelligences while weaker in others. The multiple intelligences that have been established are verbal-linguistic, math-logic, spatial, musical, bodily-kinesthetic, intrapersonal, interpersonal, and naturalist.

Multiple Intelligences as a Diagnostic Tool

The idea behind the Multiple Intelligence test is to ask kids 'how are you smart?' instead of 'how smart are you? This produces useful results without injuring a child's self-esteem. It does not measure how intelligent a child is within each category, so children can not use the results of the test as a competition. Instead, the results of the Multiple Intelligence test enable teachers to see how students learn and which of the eight areas they tend to be strong in. This is done by giving students a questionnaire. Students answer with a yes or a no to each question, and each question pertains to a preference or skill of one of the eight categories. This is valuable information when structuring a classroom, and can also be utilized by parents at home. Parents can use the results to help their students learn their lessons and complete their homework assignments.

Multiple Intelligences as a Diagnostic Tool

The idea behind the Multiple Intelligence test is to ask kids 'how are you smart?' instead of 'how smart are you? This produces useful results without injuring a child's self-esteem. It does not measure how intelligent a child is within each category, so children can not use the results of the test as a competition. Instead, the results of the Multiple Intelligence test enable teachers to see how students learn and which of the eight areas they tend to be strong in. This is done by giving students a questionnaire. Students answer with a yes or a no to each question, and each question pertains to a preference or skill of one of the eight categories. This is valuable information when structuring a classroom, and can also be utilized by parents at home. Parents can use the results to help their students learn their lessons and complete their homework assignments.

tutoring Programs

It is also important for tutoring programs to use various methods when teaching students. While tutoring programs might not use the multiple intelligences outright, parents should see if the service uses various activities that play to many of the child's senses. By using activities and games that stimulate more than one sense, an educational program is using a child's multiple intelligences.

1 comentario:

  1. He tenido la experiencia como educadora de querer que mi educando aprenda como yo quiero, pero ellos me han enseñado que ellos aprenden a su propio ritmo, al leer este artículo me cuestiono ¿cuál será la mejor metodología a aplicar en un tutor en línea?
